aka “Jake” has graciously allowed us to interview her as our first feature author! aka “Jake” is a 2001 Spookys “Outstanding Author” finalist and a 2000 Spookys “Outstanding New Author” Top Ten Finalist! You can find all her XF fanfic on her web page: aka “Jake” X-Files Fanfic.
When did you start writing XF fanfic?
I started writing almost three years ago. “Boogeyman” was my first fanfic and the very first story of any kind I’d ever written. Much to my surprise,I found writing XF fanfic is very addictive.
Have you written fanfic for other fandoms?
What else do you write?
Thanks to kind encouragement from fanfic readers, I returned to the classroom two years ago to pursue my Masters Degree in Creative Writing at the University where I work as a graphic designer/webmaster. Although I haven’t published anything yet, I’ve learned a lot and have written several RL short stories and started my first novel.
You are quite a prolific writer, as we can see from your website. Where do you find the time?
I have a very understanding husband. 😉 Because I’m a slow writer, I must spend a lot of time on it. I write nearly everyday, sometimes 12 to 14 hours a day on weekends. Some of that time is spent reviewing other writers’ stories, not just working on my own. I beta regularly for several XF fanfic authors, and learn something new every time I do. I also write and review stories for a RL writers’ group that meets once a week. Obviously, I’m very committed to learning the craft of writing and storytelling.
What kind of process do you undertake when you write? Do you write a whole story in one sitting? Do you make story outlines or let it flow?
I never write a whole story in one sitting, not even a short one. I polish and polish and polish my work before posting. When writing a case file (my favorite type of fic to write), I start with an interesting paranormal concept, which I research thoroughly before I begin any actual writing. I don’t prepare an outline, not even for case files, but I do follow the typical XF format (teaser, three or four acts, epilogue). After I “finish” the story, I go back through it and tie up loose ends or delete any unnecessary text. Every scene, paragraph and sentence must contribute to the story or it gets heartlessly axed. Then the story is sent to two or more of my betas, who check for typos, grammar problems, plot holes, confusing passages, etc. A skilled, honest beta is worth his weight in gold, and I expect him to be very hard on me — just as I am on the authors I beta. It’s the only way to learn.
Recently, you’ve written a series of post-eps for early episodes. What inspired you to reach back to write these stories?
Two things contributed to my choice to write post eps: Returning to school kept me too busy to concentrate on longer fanfic formats like case files, and the release of the XF DVDs allowed me a chance to rewatch the early eps and be inspired. Seasons 1 and 2 in particular are filled with wonderful scenes that take on a whole new meaning when viewed in the context of nine years of XF. I particularly enjoy the challenge of writing post eps for fans’ least favorite episodes. These “top ten worst” eps are seldom explored in fanfic, and it’s interesting to see if I can redeem them with a decent post ep.
Some readers have asked if I turned to the early years for inspiration because I was disappointed with season 8 and 9. The answer is no. I love the XF, even season 8 and 9.
And of course, with all the news regarding the XF lately…How will it end? or how do *you* think it will end?
How I think XF *will* end and how I think it *should* end are two different things. I’m hoping DD will return for the final 2-part episode, and CC will tie up most of his mytharc loose ends, particularly William’s role in the grand scheme of the universe. I’m also hoping for many, many XF movies.
Is there’s anything else you’d like to tell readers out there? Upcoming stories to look out for?
Yes, I would love to plug my up-coming collaboration with Brandon D. Ray. We are currently working on a novel called “And There Was a War in Heaven.” This story begins after “Trust No 1” and spans the next two years of all our favorite heroes’ lives. It’s action-packed, heroic, heart-breaking, and romantic — what else could you want? Look for it later this spring. We hope to release it as a WIP in four large parts, one per month, starting in late February or early March. Check my website for updates!